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Revision and Redesign of Staff Competency Model for Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH)

Image by Alex Kotliarskyi

Client:​ Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH)

Year:​ 2015



In 2014 LTH have started the revision of its staff Competency Model and Competency Matrix. The effort was done internally by Corporate HR. It was the aim of LTH management to improve and establish a new competency model which is more relevant to current business environment and LTH business objective.

Genaxis was appointed in 2015 to review the competency matrix and add further refinement and improvements.

The scope of the project are :


  • Mapping of all Corporate level and Departmental level positions, job descriptions and Competencie

  • Develop a standard Competency Matrix for all positions across departments

  • Benchmarking with other Multinationals and GLCs

  • Potential list of key positions-match-competency is being identified and prioritize



Project team went through every competency and identified some weaknesses. The team conducts benchmarking studies on the competency matrix, the scoring method as well as the review method against other established Government Link Companies (GLC) and Multinational organizations. Project team made several revision and improvement to the competency matrix based on best practice and suitability to LTH corporate culture and business objective.

The outcome


Outcome of the project was in the form of newly improved competency Matrix for LTH to be adopted across the board. The new competency matrix has a new scoring matrix which was more relevant to job description and job grade. Additional to that Genaxis has also produced a short video explaining about the new competency matrix for awareness purpose.


The new competency Matrix was targeted to be implemented in 2016.

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